Enrolling your daughter at Girls Grammar has never been easier. With a three-step enrolment process, you can commence the process online or download a hard copy application form.
Once we receive your application and a $70 application fee, an enrolment interview will be arranged with our Principal or delegate and a School Tour will be conducted to allow you to experience how great Girls Grammar really is.
If your interview is successful, you will be sent a letter of offer. To accept your offer, you will need to complete the enrolment confirmation contract and pay a $345 confirmation fee. From there a place will be reserved for your daughter. She will receive her Girls Grammar pack, including Student Parent Handbook, booklist, forms and information about starting school at Girls Grammar, in January of the year of commencement.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Enrolments Officer on 07 4930 0912 or send her an email at enrolments@rggs.qld.edu.au.