Welcome back to our families for the final term of 2022. The year, and this term in particular, seems to be moving very fast.
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know about a new initiative we have starting at Girls Grammar. If you watched the livestream of this week’s Assembly, you may already have heard me talk about our Reflective Thinking Room (RTR).
Girls Grammar is committed to the holistic development of our students, giving them every opportunity to become clever, confident and connected.
In particular, our Pastoral Care program focuses on addressing the social and emotional wellbeing of all students through a personalised approach. Underpinned by an ethos of care and respect for all, the program aims to build the capacity of the school community to support each student to grow and develop and engage in meaningful and successful learning.
It is also vital that all members of our school community embrace positive, authentic relationships, demonstrating mutual respect. This issue was highlighted as an important issue in our survey of students earlier this year.
I have often written and spoken about our School rules and expectations. Until now, a breach of these rules and expectations may have involved a conversation with the class teacher or for more serious breaches, a conversation with one of the Executive team. The purpose of the RTR is to create a supportive ‘middle ground’ between these two actions.
Based on the Responsible Thinking Process, the RTR supports our students, to take responsibility, not only for their actions/behaviours but also for their learning.
It is a dedicated quiet space which provides students with the opportunity to reassess their choices and to focus on thinking responsibly. It is not a detention room or a withdrawal room.
The room is supervised by teaching staff and operates during lunch breaks, Monday to Friday. When attending the room, students are required to undertake a reflective thinking task. With assistance from the supervising teacher, they complete a series of questions and develop a plan to assist them with making appropriate choices in future situations.
Students are not told how to act, but instead they are taught how to think in such a way that their actions demonstrate respect for the rights, safety and the learning of others.
Students may be referred to the RTR in the following situations:
multiple minor breaches of the School’s behaviour expectations such as ongoing uniform breaches or needing persistent reminders in class to follow classroom expectations, or
a single breach of a moderate nature such as significant non-compliance with a teacher’s instruction or using a phone in class or when on a toilet break.
All serious breaches will continue to be dealt with as per the process contained in the School’s Behaviour Policy which includes referral to a member of the Executive team and/or suspension or cancellation of enrolment.
Parents and caregivers of students who have been referred to the RTR will be notified by the referring teacher the day prior to attending.
The RTR supports our School’s motto of ‘Non scholae, sed vitae’, Not only for school but for life we are learning. Today’s students will interact with many types of people when they are older, and the ability to communicate, cooperate, and learn with others who are different will benefit them not only in the workplace but also in their lifelong personal journey.
Nadine Kelly
Deputy Principal - Students