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A Tribute to Rockhampton Girls Grammar School's Year 12 Graduates

The time is January 2021 and the start of a new school year. A large intake of nine new students joined the Year 10 cohort as they embarked on their senior schooling journey at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. Alongside them, their Care Mentor, new to the role of Deputy Principal - Students and new to Girls Grammar, was also trying to find her feet, navigate the campus, find rooms, understand the school routine and develop relationships with staff and students. This is my memory of the first time I met most of you who we are now celebrating as Year 12 graduates. Fast forward a month from then, to Year 10 camp at Yeppoon’s PCYC where the focus was on ‘getting set for Senior Secondary’.

What I experienced on this camp was an overwhelming feeling of warmth, inclusion, connection and a genuine welcome to a school community by a very special cohort of students. I was in absolute awe at the confidence, acceptance and individuality that shone from you and was amazed at the trust you put in one another. I marvelled at your individual talents, surrounded by young women who felt comfortable to be themselves. Honestly, I was envious that this was your secondary school experience, let alone at an all-girls school, as this wasn’t the case for me.

Wellbeing, positivity and gratitude was a key theme during this camp and one that I have witnessed your cohort take with you throughout your senior years. I have kept my ‘Positive Paper Bag’ ready for your Year 12 Graduation and inside I still have the ‘positive post it notes’, ‘shout out cards’ and ‘gratitude slips’ we shared with one another. I took great enjoyment from watching you eagerly writing these between sessions, during break times and even after being told it was lights out. Inside this Paper Bag I have also kept the letters written by 20 of you, as Year 10 students to your future selves to be opened today. I recall how seriously you took this activity and the length of time that was extended not once but twice due to your intense focus and engagement with the task.

I understand not all of you graduating today were with us on this camp, as we have welcomed 13 more students since then, and having farewelled four. Today I am proud to congratulate all 33 young women before me and celebrate you as the 2023 graduating class from Rockhampton Girls Grammar School.

Whether you attended Year 10 camp or not, think about who you were almost three years ago. Ask yourself these questions and reflect on how much you have learnt about yourself and who you are today:

Personal Growth:

  • How have your interests, values and goals changed over this time?

  • What personal challenges have you overcome and how have they shaped you?

Academic Progress:

  • Have you continued to study the same subjects or have you excelled in areas you didn’t expect?

  • Have particular subjects influenced you or specific teachers impacted your academic journey?

Career Aspirations:

  • Have you discovered a passion for a post-schooling pathway you weren’t considering at the start of Year 10?

  • Have you gained clarity regarding the field of study or career you wish to pursue?

Social Dynamics:

  • How has your peer group of friends changed? Is your social network the same as it was back then?

  • Have particular relationships been affected by decisions you have made, that if given the chance to go back, you would approach the situation differently?

Technology and Society:

  • Have you noticed any significant societal changes or shifts in attitudes? Think about this in consideration of your cohort.

  • Has the impact of technology influenced your daily life and educational journey?

Challenges and Resilience:

  • What challenges, academic or personal have you faced and how have you overcome them?

  • How has your resilience been tested and strengthened over the past three years?


  • In this time have you discovered new aspects of yourself that you weren’t aware of before?

  • What experiences or moments have shaped your understanding of who you are?

If I was to compare your answers, they would vary greatly as you are all individuals with your own areas of strength and talents. So much has changed, and in three years from now, there will be many more experiences that will continue to shape your character. One thing I hope you take with you are the foundations that Girls Grammar has provided you and the importance of lifelong learning.

I encourage you to self-reflect and continue to ask yourself these questions. By analysing your past experiences, emotions and growth, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your strengths, values and areas for improvement. Ultimately, this determines where you wish to direct your efforts and energy through your post schooling years ahead.

Back to that character building Year 10 camp. One of the self-reflection activities you were asked to engage in was to write a simile or metaphor on how you felt about Year 10. I can’t recall whose example this was, but I wanted to leave you with this final piece of advice from one of your fellow graduates. It is very wise and poignant to the point you now find yourself, instead of a Year 10 embarking on your senior schooling journey, but as a Year 12 graduate embarking on life after 13 years of formal schooling:

“Year 10 is like a sunburn. You’re relaxing at the beach until you feel like you are getting burnt. You can either apply sunscreen and take initiative by giving yourself a way to succeed or you can burn and not achieve your goals, however you can always heal from your burn and learn from your mistakes, and in the future, you are better prepared”.

Remember your sunscreen girls, but if there comes a time when you forget to apply it and you burn, there’s always aloe vera cream there to help you heal.

Kara Krehlik




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