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A Word from our Principal

SRS Parent Overview

The results are in! We are proud and also humbled by the feedback received from the recent school results survey that ran between 30 May and 17 June last term. Thank you to the parents, students and staff who engaged in this to provide valuable feedback for reflection and to continue to build in strength as an independent day and boarding school of choice for girls in Prep to Year 12 in Regional Queensland. The last school results survey conducted at Girls Grammar was in 2017 and the feedback gathered this year has provided a comparison and will help us to refine current processes, acknowledge and celebrate the many areas of strength and of course, identify aspects for improvement. Confidential survey results were received during the recent school holidays and are currently being analysed by the Executive Leadership Team to provide separate comprehensive Review and Action Plans for parents, students and staff.

Before these are released, I would like to share some of the significant data sets from the parent survey results where Rockhampton Girls Grammar received an overall satisfaction score of 81%.

Of the parents who participated in the survey, 72% were female and 28% male. Primary parents were represented by 28% of respondents, the secondary sector was made up of 66% of respondents and 6% of parents had daughters in both sectors. 70% of parents’ daughters were day girls and 30% were boarders.

Results were colour coded to indicate the level of satisfaction with the overall satisfaction from parents in each key area of questions shown below:

Areas receiving excellent satisfaction ratings for all related questions include our schools’ values and culture, school communication, learning environment, resources and facilities. These are definitely aspects for our school to celebrate but also to continue strengthening. Identified areas for improvement receiving fair to good scores include learning and extension, pastoral care/wellbeing, parent engagement, student engagement and transition. The Review and Action Plan currently in development will identify strategies to address these areas for improvement and will be shared in the coming fortnight.

Responses to the question, “What do you like most about Rockhampton Girls Grammar School?” reaffirmed the results above and included answers such as:

Small class sizes, P-12 inclusive community, approachable staff, caring feeling, provides academic challenge to extend students, growth mindset

That they practice their values and that they are evident across every interaction I have had with RGGS staff from our very first day

The bond my children able to developed with the outside world other than home. Like minded parents are supportive with one another, which can be seen through their daughters’ personalities

My daughters are part of a community and are not a number at RGGS. I like that no matter what year level, the girls know each other and that there are strong connections between the boarding and day students

There is much pride in being a member of the Girls Grammar community and responses such as these along with many others confirm the view of our parents. At Girls Grammar we continue to strive for excellence in the holistic development of all girls, where they are supported to build an enduring sense of connection, are nurtured to be their best and develop the skills, self-belief and resilience to confidently embrace their futures. I look forward to sharing further information on these survey results in the coming weeks.

Kara Krehlik



Enrolling your daughter at Girls Grammar has never been easier. Contact us today to find out how. 

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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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