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A Word From Our Principal: Rockhampton Girls Grammar School Survey

As part of our ongoing commitment to continuously improve our school, we believe it is important to seek opinions from parents, students and staff on a range of issues relating to Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. As such, we have engaged the professional services of MYP Corporation to undertake a strictly private and confidential School Results Survey on our behalf.

From Monday, 29 May you will have the opportunity to provide feedback across a wide range of aspects of our school community. Feedback is strongly encouraged and valued by our School as it allows us to evaluate how we are progressing, identifying the areas for us to celebrate in what we are doing well, and most importantly make necessary adjustments for improvement.

Next Monday, survey instructions and a personalised login link will be emailed to all parents. Please check your spam and junk email accounts if you haven’t received the survey link as it will be coming from the external service provider MYP. You will continue to receive friendly reminder emails throughout the two week period between 29 May - 11 June from MYP until you submit the survey.

It should take approximately 10-15 minutes and will need to be completed online within this time. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly as this will provide an accurate snapshot of how we are viewed by our school community.

Please note that this survey is confidential. No member of the Executive team at Girls Grammar will have access to individual responses. A summary of collated results will be provided only.

This year we hope to have as close to 100% of parents participate in our School Results Survey compared to last year’s satisfaction score of 81%. Of the parents who participated in the survey in 2022, 72% were female and 28% male. Primary parents were represented by 28% of respondents, the secondary sector was made up of 66% of respondents and 6% of parents had daughters in both sectors. 70% of parents’ daughters were day girls and 30% were boarders.

Last year was the first time since 2017 that Rockhampton Girls Grammar School conducted a whole school survey, gathering valuable feedback from parents, staff and students.

We were so proud to receive excellent scores in the areas of school values and culture, communication, learning environment, resources and facilities in 2022. Parent responses last year identified learning and extension, pastoral care/wellbeing, parent engagement, student engagement and transition as areas for improvement, however these still fell within fair to good scores.

From last year’s survey results, Review and Action Plans were developed by the Executive Team to identify means of maintaining or improving particular areas.

Since last year’s survey we have:

  • Added a Primary Handbook outlining curriculum offerings in the primary school;

  • Included educational articles celebrating school and student successes in newsletters and social media posts;

  • Continued to promote women in STEM and trades, VET, TAFE and SUN options;

  • Employed a Learning Enhancement Coordinator to support students, parents and staff around adjustments and individualised support/programs for students including the development of Individual Learning Plans;

  • Employed a Counsellor three days a week to support the wellbeing and mental health of students and work with staff and families on strategies to support healthy minds and bodies;

  • Implemented a Chill in Space to support students experiencing social emotional difficulties;

  • Implemented a Reflective Thinking Room for students to reflect on behaviour choices in a positive way with the support of staff;

  • Included developmentally appropriate programs as part of the Pastoral Care Program to support students’ social emotional wellbeing including Love Bytes, Driver Distraction Training).

  • Revised the Sisters program with the introduction of a buddy system for new students in secondary whilst continuing whole school Sisters meetings to develop cross year level connections and how this benefits student wellbeing;

  • Communicated via newsletter articles and social media posts the variety of nutritious dining and canteen options for students and implemented a boarder food committee who meet with our chef to discuss menu options.

On behalf of the Executive team, I’d like to thank you in advance for engaging in this important piece of feedback for our School. To reflect the words of Bill Gates, “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” I am committed to this being an annual exercise in our continuous commitment to improve our school. I hope you can see from the actions listed above, we take all feedback on board and seriously consider what we can do to improve on what we already believe to be a wonderful school.

Kara Krehlik




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