If we have learned nothing else from 2020 it should be that change is inevitable. As we come to the end of the 2020 school year and look forward to 2021, we don't know what our new normal is going to look like. What we do now however is that life will be different. How we learn, how we play, how we interact in a social setting will all be different. It's important to consider how we respond and adapt to these changes.
We must deal with our own personal feelings of fear and anxiety, but also empower ourselves by being aware of the options available to us. It is natural to be afraid of change, as change leads us to an unknown. During times of change it's important for us to stay positive, focused, and to remain flexible, organised and proactive.
Staying positive doesn't mean always being happy but acknowledging the fact that there will be ups and downs, and that there will always be a positive resolution.
Staying focused means sticking to the task even if you are unsure of the outcome because the resolution may be just around the bend. It also means staying true to yourself. Don't let the change affect the core of who you are.
Being flexible isn't about doing things somebody else's way, rather being open to new ways of thinking and doing. Sometimes being flexible means you need to take extra time to consider all options and possibilities before responding.
Staying organised means having a plan or at least mud map of the way forward. Not planning forward leaves even more uncertainty and anxiety.
Being proactive is not waiting for effects of change but rather putting your plan into action and seeing how it relates to change.
Quite often people who are adept at dealing with change are also very creative. Practising creative and critical thinking skills can equip us with the appropriate skill set to deal with change. The creative mind is never happy with just one outcome, they're always looking for alternate possibilities and outcomes. This type of flexible mindset is necessary in today's age to deal with the inevitable change that is ahead of us.
Ryan Cheers
Deputy Principal - Students