Boarding has been busy this past week, as always. We had a lovely cool down at the Southside pool, participated in the Park Run, went shopping on Saturday and had a fabulous time at the beach on Sunday. Six staff, including Mrs Johnston, and 62 Boarders enjoyed perfect weather at Yeppoon.
There’s so much on offer for our Boarders and this week Rugby 7’s training, Oztag and Touch Football have kicked off. Water polo starts next week. Over the coming weeks, girls with be trialing for school and Rockhampton District teams.
The Deadly Choices group have also visited, offering some of our girls their Term 1 program, “Healthy Lifestyles”.
The Boarders Farewell fundraising is off to a great start with the Year 10’s running a St Valentine’s Day raffle.
We are not sure our families are aware but our Boarding staff were working before the girls arrived back at school. As well as setting the dormitories up for the girl’s arrival, all our Boarding staff have now completed First Aid and Anaphylaxis training, Child Protection, Evacuation and Fire training. Last term we also started our Boarding Duty of Care training. We have great staff here at RGGS and families should have peace of mind that we have well-informed and dedicated ladies charged with the care of their daughters.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding