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Boarding Bulletin

The 2021 school year is done and dusted. Friendships were formed, memories were made and a whole lot of fun was had. As we finish off our year, I would like to thank all the people who make our boarding community such a fantastic one - Su Ung, Kay Staples, MJ Dorante, Dana Bronkhurst, Gail Buchanan, Chris Oliver, and Kaye Westwood who have made our boarding houses hum with love this year. We farewell Rachel Warcon as she moves south for study; her presence will be a great loss, and she will be missed by our girls. Earlier in the year we also said goodbye to Lily Kittlelty. Next year we are excited to reopen Upper Jackson and welcome some new staff to our team.

I would also like to thank:

  • Kent and his kitchen and laundry team.

  • Kasey, Dave and the maintenance team.

  • Pam our marvellous cleaner who we are so grateful for.

  • Our bus drivers, Zach, Neil, and Chris who have helped get us to all of our activities.

  • Veronica Miller-Waugh who supports our girls academically.

  • Linda Knowles, our nurse, who we have kept busy this year.

A special thank you to Tilly who works so hard to get girls everywhere they need to be.

Wishing our beautiful girls and their families a wonderful holiday break. Stay safe and we will see you on Monday 24 January.

Stacey McCarthy

Head of Boarding


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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