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Boarding Bulletin

Opportunities for our girls is important. As we welcome Sarah, our new Indigenous Liaison Officer this week, opportunities for our indigenous girls come into sharp focus.

This week Sarah, Facilities and Services Manager Kasey Mitchell and I visited St Brendan’s to talk to their boys and staff to find out what is working for them with regard to keeping the boys engaged in their learning right through to the end of Year 12. The program they run for the boys is inclusive and fun which keeps the boys motivated. As we work towards our own program offering our indigenous girls support and opportunities we are looking to what others are doing that is working. Today we arrived during morning tea and introduced ourselves to the room full of boys. All the boys stopped what they were doing, shook hands with each one of us, offering their names and eye contact. Such a simple courtesy and it is the kind of thing I would like all of our girls to feel confident to do for visitors to our school community.

From there I went to the Year 11 Leadership Camp held in damp conditions at the Caves. When I arrived mid-camp the girls had completed orienteering and a ropes course. They were in good spirits and the interaction between all of the girls, both day students and boarders was heart-warming. Our leaders for 2023 are a diverse and capable group of young ladies.

Wishing all of our families an enjoyable weekend. Please stay safe with all of the wet weather that is around.

Stacey McCarthy

Head of Boarding


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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