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Boarding Bulletin

Term 3 has started and looks like it will be just as busy as the ones that have come before.

Wednesday on Assembly we recognised academic and sporting achievements and showcased the Musical. Girls Grammar certainly has a lot to be proud of. We celebrated Mrs Su Ung who has been a wonderful boarding supervisor for 20 years at Girls Grammar.

We have welcomed new staff to our boarding team this term. Georgia Millar joined us late last term and has added a young friendly vibe to Jackson house to complement the experienced staff already working there.

We also welcome Troi -

My name is Troi Richards and I am passionate about health and lifestyle whether that be in the gym or out socialising with family and friends or quality time outdoors. I also love helping people that are in need. So far my time at Rockhampton Girls Grammar has been amazing with plenty of open arms making me feel right at home in such a welcoming manner.

Independent Schools Australia has recently published its latest analysis on the Australian boarding school sector, undertaken in consultation with AEC Group. The documents below provide detailed information about boarding schools in Australia and specifically in relation to Independent boarding schools for those that are interested.

Stacey McCarthy

Head of Boarding


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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