Opportunities have been abundant for our boarding girls, especially recently.
Abigail (Year 11) headed to Brisbane for a business program and Year 12 students Muguzi, Tracelyn and Bella headed to Sydney for an amazing Uni experience. All girls returned inspired and energised for their futures.
This week we had 12 girls do their oratory speeches as part of the leadership process. As Head of Boarding, I was very proud of all the girls. For some of these young ladies it was a big step forward out of their comfort zones.
We are also waiting in anticipation for the musical to showcase nine of our boarders on the big stage. All boarders will be going to cheer and support their friends either Saturday or Sunday night.
This weekend we will be doing our usual activities in addition to dressing up for the musical and our Oztag girls will be enjoying their last training run before heading to the All Schools competition at the Sunshine Coast.
Somehow we are going to squeeze in Year 10 camp next week too. Never a dull moment at Girls Grammar! Have a great weekend!
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding