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Celebrating the Achievements and Values of Girls Grammar Year 6 Graduates

As the school year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we have shared with our Year 6 students. It is with great pride and a touch of nostalgia that we announced and celebrated the graduation of our Year 6 class.

The Year 6 Graduation is not just a ceremony; it's a celebration of the remarkable achievements, growth, and resilience demonstrated by each student throughout their time at Girls Grammar. From the first day they walked through our doors to this momentous occasion, we have witnessed the transformation of these bright individuals into confident and capable young learners.

Our Year 6 graduates have exhibited exceptional dedication to their studies, showcasing academic excellence in various subjects. Their passion for learning, inquisitive minds, and commitment to personal and intellectual growth have set a commendable standard for their peers and future students.

While academic achievements are certainly worth celebrating, we are equally proud of the outstanding character and values demonstrated by our Year 6 graduates. They have shown kindness, respect, and resilience in the face of challenges, creating a positive and inclusive school environment for everyone.

To honour and commemorate this significant milestone, we were joined by Board Chair, Jenny Luck and Board member, Ken Murphy, Councillor Drew Wickerson and Girls Grammar Executive, 2024 Head girls, Kara-Lee Buckton and Georgia Priddle and Primary Prefect, Bethany Dey. This event is an opportunity for the upper Primary students to come together and celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating class.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents and guardians of our Year 6 students for not only joining us for this momentous occasion but your support, encouragement, and involvement in your daughter’s education and the integral role you played in their success.

To our Year 6 graduates, as you embark on the next chapter of your educational journey, remember that the values instilled in you at Girls Grammar will serve as a compass for your future endeavours. Continue to dream big, embrace challenges, and approach each new opportunity with the same enthusiasm and determination that you displayed during your primary years.

Jacqui Goltz

Director of Primary


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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