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Central Queensland University (CQU) Promote SUN and STN Programs to Girls Grammar Students

On Wednesday, 19 July in our Careers Education lesson, three influential women from the CQ University came to teach us about what our future holds for us and how we can start courses early in high school. Karen, Skye and Maddy, came and taught us about the ‘Start University Now’ (SUN) program and how we can receive credits in high school and take time off our Uni degree. We learnt about the endless amount of work experience the university provides and the opportunities they can provide for young adults to find work in the real world. This seminar opened our young eyes to see what our life could look like beyond school, and truly allowed us to express our interest in any areas from allied health to agriculture, or art and performing theatre. It provided great insight to students who are struggling to decide what to do after school. Sessions like this allow us to discover pathways we never knew were possible in Rockhampton. Students are excited to take part in more seminars like this to learn about more jobs and careers that are available.

On behalf of our entire class, I would like to extend our thanks to Karen, Maddy and Skye, who came and spoke to us and, Mrs Linda McLeod and Miss Sophie Hardwood for allowing us to incorporate real life working into our education. Finally, I would like to thank, Ms Veronica Miller-Waugh for organising CQU to come to our school. It was a wonderful experience that really helped a lot of Year 10 girls and we are incredibly grateful for this opportunity.

Clare Hills

Year 10

Read more about how Start TAFE Now (STN) is helping Year 11 student, Macee, to fulfill her career aspirations: Start TAFE Now switches on Macee's desire to become an apprentice electrician



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