It’s hard to believe we are on the verge of our final week and Term 1 is nearly at an end.
I often reflect and think 'where has the time gone?' and ponder what we have achieved, finding it difficult to pinpoint and list exactly what’s been achieved amongst the day to day operation of a school. Our School’s Strategic Directions for 2022- 2024, and 10-year Master Plan also released in 2022 serve as a consistent reminder of our goals and what we are working towards achieving. I refer to these as our compass. They keep us accountable to our mission statement where:
‘we strive to be an Independent day and boarding school of choice in Regional Queensland where girls build an enduring sense of connection, are nurtured to be their best and develop the skills, self-belief and resilience to confidently embrace their futures.’
Whilst it’s only March, we are nearing the quarter mark of the year, so I thought it timely to list progress towards and achievement from our four, strategic focus areas below.
Focus Area 1: A culture of academic success.
Celebration of 2023, Year 12 results including top student in Queensland for English (100%), 98% for English and Literature Extension and highest ATAR at 97.70.
Academic Assembly recognising the outstanding academic achievements and improvements of students in Years 4-12 from Semester 2, 2023.
Academic SMART goal setting by students in Years 4-12 following review and analysis of Semester 2, 2023 data.
Year 12 students have met with Deputy Principal - Studies, Dr Fry to review academic progress, discuss assessment and goals for their final year ahead.
Implementation of Educational Neuroscience from Prep-Year 12 to help staff and students best understand how the brain learns along with eight Neuroscience Non-Negotiables for the classroom.
Completion of NAPLAN for our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 girls.

Focus Area 2: A unique culture of personalised care.

Revitalisation of Pastoral Care program to include Brainwise teaching and learning.
Year 7 students attending camp at Capricorn Caves, fostering connections early in their secondary school journey.
SMILE program (Seniors Mentoring Initiative for Leading Empowerment) Tuesday and Thursday lunch times at CAB, Discovery Centre and ELC providing supportive and facilitated play and engagement from Senior students with the younger girls.
Connections forged through allocation of Sisters for primary students and Buddies for new secondary students.
Inspiring Inclusion by contributing everyday necessities for women less fortunate than ourselves through our International Women’s Day appeal.
Grow Kindness Challenge fostering the theme of Respect and Kindness across the secondary school. The goal of 100 nominations over three weeks by students for ‘random acts of kindness’ they observed in their peers was smashed with 269 nominations.
School events and celebrations highlighting our inclusive culture and community have included; Family Welcome BBQ, Parents and Friends Meet and Greet, Investiture ceremonies, Valentine’s Day, Library Lover’s Day, International Women’s Day, swimming carnivals, Harmony Day.
Focus Area 3: Honouring our heritage whilst embracing the future.
Old Girls Association Deck Dinner and Annual General Meeting.
External revitalisation of Paterson House’s Reception area with the construction of outdoor water feature and gardens.
Upper Paterson House classroom refurbishment completed in preparation for Upper Luck’s restoration to four general learning areas, two meeting spaces and two boarding supervisor residences commencing in the Easter holidays.
Filming and photography completed by Mad Dog Productions to update marketing and promotional material.

Focus Area 4: Fiscal and environmental stewardship.
Ag plot’s Stage 2 outdoor classroom has been designed and quoted, with construction commencing in Term 2.
Clean Up Australia Day led by Mrs Hemson and her Year 4 students, where primary girls donned their high vis vests, buckets and gloves, collected many small plastic items such as straws, poppers and plastic bags, saving them from travelling into the drain, down the Fitzroy River and into The Great Barrier Reef.
Discover Girls Grammar Tour and Early Years Afternoon Tea held for prospective students and families to our school in 2024 and beyond.
Discovery Playground design selected and quoted to commence construction in Term 2, providing an upgraded playground for students in Years 1-4, thanks to P&F’s generous donation of $100,000.

When you read Term 1’s achievements as a whole, it’s understandable that we are all looking forward to time with family and friends to rest and recuperate, ready to do it all again in Term 2. With a week remaining for primary and secondary learning conversations, Primary Easter Bonnet Parade and Prep - Year 12 Cross Country to conclude the term it will be a race to the finish line.
Kara Krehlik