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Curriculum Catch-Up - Academic Activity

Girls Grammar has been in a flurry of academic activity over the last few weeks. As I write this article, our Year 12 students are sitting the first of twelve sessions for mock external exams. It is important that our senior girls have the opportunity to experience what external exams will be like. Their involvement in mocks will allow them to understand the procedural aspects that must be adhered to, as well as giving vital insights into subject specific exam structures. It is also important for them to practise the routines required for concentrated exams in a somewhat more relaxed environment. Teachers will use the results of these mock exams to inform final preparations in the first weeks of Term 4. Our girls will use them as a yard stick of progress allowing them to focus in on areas of further preparation. More information about the external exams will be sent to parents early in Term 4.

Select students from Year 2 to 12 have competed in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) tests for English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies and Spelling. The ICAS writing test has been delayed until 14 October due to COVID. ICAS tests are administered through the University of New South Wales and offer students looking to stretch their academic achievements, an opportunity to do so through a series of challenging tasks. We look forward to receiving their forthcoming results with an expectation of Credits, Distinctions and High Distinctions. We look forward to seeing if one of our girls can once again be awarded an ICAS medal as the state’s top performer in their subject and year level.

Term 4 curriculum has commenced in Year 7 to 10 as our assessment block came to a close last week. Year 11 students will be commencing Unit 3 once Term 4 commences. Please remember to take the opportunity to attend Learning Conversations next Friday.

We have also been involved in signing up several Year 10 and 11 girls to school-based traineeships, certificate courses, and university subjects. These girls are starting their journey towards AQF and university qualifications through a combination of theoretical and practical competencies delivered both through academic and in the instance of traineeships, paid employment components. They join many of their peers on a journey towards extra qualifications as part of their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). In the case of university studies, successful completion may give our students the knowledge they have already provisionally qualified for entry to their chosen university degree. This brings many advantages including the knowledge they are primed to succeed at university level studies.

Finally, I would like to congratulate our Year 5 and 6 team of Ella, Porsha and Lilian who represented Girls Grammar at the regional finals of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers (QAMT) annual Mathematics Quiz. The girls represented the school with aplomb winning the estimation section with a perfect score. Well done girls.

At Girls Grammar, we continue to support our students through whatever pathway they choose whether that be through QCAA curriculum, VET studies, traineeships, apprenticeships, university studies or academic competitions.

Dr John Fry

Deputy Principal - Studies



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