Last week, we acknowledged the hard work our girls put into last year’s Semester 2 studies. For many, this resulted in half or full academic colours in the secondary school and excellence or merit awards in our primary school. However, we also made the very important acknowledgement of academic improvement. We found it particularly pleasing to see a great increase in the number of academic improvement certificates awarded. Occasions such as this provide a good opportunity to reflect on past achievements, as well as disappointments. It is an opportunity for girls to embrace their future as they look forward to 2025.
At the commencement of the new academic year, girls should set some goals to work towards over the course of the year. They should try to set goals that can realistically be achieved and should consider what can be improved on from 2024. Girls may want to achieve a certain grade, get better at completing work on time, or make more of an effort to make new friends. In Care classes, our Year 4-12 students are setting academic goals based upon subject results and current GPAs. These goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. Please take some time to discuss your daughter’s goals with them. It is known that parental involvement in such discussions leads to better outcomes.
It’s a good idea to start preparations for the year now. There are a few simple things any girl can do to ease herself back into study patterns and prepare for the academic year ahead.
Arranging books and other materials in a suitable study space is key to academic success. Assessment schedules are now available, and girls should start noting down assessment due dates and planning for busy periods in advance. The simple act of clearing and tidying a study area, as well as sourcing new stationery and supplies, is a great way to ease back into study mode and provide initial motivation for the year ahead. With effort at readying a space and materials, girls are much more likely to want to make use of that space.
They should also start thinking about how they can build their skills outside of the classroom before assessments start to pile up and free time becomes an issue. Whatever they do to get prepared, our girls need to be ready for the inevitable academic challenges ahead in 2025.
Dr John Fry
Deputy Principal - Studies