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Embracing Connections and Celebrating Achievements

The past fortnight has been a remarkable journey of connections, learning, and celebrating achievements, both within and beyond our school community. It has been a time filled with enriching experiences, affirming the strength and value of our school’s commitment to fostering meaningful relationships and lifelong learning.

Last week marked my longest period away from the office as I attended the Isolated Children's and Parents Association (ICPA) State Conference in Townsville. For those unfamiliar, the ICPA is a vital organisation dedicated to advocating for the educational needs of families living in rural and remote communities. Their work ensures that these families have access to quality education, despite the geographical challenges they face. Our school has a vested interest in the ICPA's mission, as many of our students come from these locations. Hearing the motions raised and witnessing the passionate advocacy from regional delegates, along with responses from Government officials, highlighted to me how privileged our staff and students are to teach and learn in a school like ours.

Another highlight of my trip to Townsville was reconnecting with five of our past students. These ‘country catch ups’ serve as a poignant reminder of the lasting impact our school has on its students. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the alumni who met with Stacey McCarthy and I. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your post-Year 12 journeys and shared many laughs and fond memories of your time at Girls Grammar.

During the conference, I also had the opportunity to connect with fellow Principals and Heads of Boarding from other schools across Queensland. These occasions are invaluable, as they allow us to reconnect and share our collective passion and commitment as educators of regional and remote students.

The week concluded with the Grammar Schools' State Conference at Brisbane Grammar School, where I was joined by Board Chair Jenny Luck and Business Manager Clair Applewaite. This gathering of Principals, Business Managers, and Board Chairs from the eight Grammar Schools was a wonderful opportunity to connect, discuss current topics of importance, and gain insights and trends in education from ISQ CEO Christopher Mountford.

Upon my return, the week began with one of my favorite events on the school calendar: the Year 4 - 12 Athletics Carnival at CQU. Blessed with perfect weather, the day was a resounding success thanks to the meticulous planning and organisation by our Director of Sport, Greta Doherty. Although we were initially concerned about timing after lunch, we successfully completed all scheduled events. The culminating relays were the pinnacle of the day. Watching the girls organise their teams, select the order of runners, and position themselves around the track was inspiring. Each girl gave her all for her House, and the excitement was palpable as leads changed and the final runners dashed down the 100m straight to the cheers of the spectators. The relay race, much like life, is about teamwork, determination, and the thrill of striving for your best amidst changing dynamics.

I eagerly look forward to joining our Prep - Year 3 students in their athletics carnival on Monday, continuing this wonderful tradition of connection and community spirit.

Kara Krehlik



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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