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Embracing Tradition: Rockhampton Girls Grammar Commemorates ANZAC Day

At Rockhampton Girls Grammar, the significance of ANZAC Day is deeply ingrained in our ethos, and this year's commemoration was no exception. From the solemnity of the Dawn Service to the camaraderie of the ANZAC Day March, our school community came together to honour the legacy of those who have served our nation with courage and sacrifice.

Our ANZAC Day observances began with a poignant assembly on Wednesday 24 April, where our Head Girls, Kara-Lee Buckton and Georgia Priddle, led us in reflection and remembrance. It was a privilege to have the Airforce Cadets join us as the Catafalque Guard, standing as a symbol of respect and honour. We are immensely proud of our Girls Grammar girls—Bethany, Isabelle, and Molly—who took part in this solemn duty, embodying the spirit of service and commitment.

During the assembly, we were deeply moved by the haunting melody of The Last Post, performed by Mr. Graham Ivers, whose poignant rendition stirred our hearts with reverence and gratitude. We were also honoured to welcome Mr. Lang from the Rats of Tobruk, whose presence served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have gone before us.

The morning of ANZAC Day itself was marked by the stirring Dawn Service, where our Year 12 cohort stood together in solidarity, adorned in their distinctive yellow berets and holding candles aloft as a tribute to the fallen. Despite being unable to participate in the official candlelight vigil, our commitment to honouring this tradition remained resolute, a testament to the enduring spirit of our school community.

Following the Dawn Service, our school proudly took part in the ANZAC Day March, led by our Head Girls and accompanied by a sea of supporters, each step taken in solemn remembrance of those who have served. It was a moment of unity and pride as we marched together, honouring the sacrifices of generations past and reaffirming our commitment to upholding their legacy.

As we reflect on this year's ANZAC Day commemorations, we are filled with a profound sense of pride for our school community. Through our collective actions and heartfelt tributes, we have paid homage to the bravery and sacrifice of our servicemen and women, ensuring that their memory lives on in our hearts and minds.

At Rockhampton Girls Grammar, ANZAC Day is more than just a tradition—it is a testament to the values that define us as a community: courage, resilience, and unity. As we carry forward the legacy of those who have served, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude and minds steadfast in our commitment to never forget.

Lest we Forget.


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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