This term we have started a new weekly program called ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. It not only promotes the importance of wellbeing and our happiness but reminds us to prioritise mental, emotional, and physical health. The primary focus of Wellbeing Wednesday is mental health. In a society where mental health issues are increasingly prevalent, dedicating a time to promote positive mental wellbeing can make a significant difference.
Every Wednesday lunchtime, activities will be held in our MMPH where girls from Prep to Year 12 are welcome to join in the activities. Activities include meditation, board games, dancing, and a range of arts and crafts. The aim of Wellbeing Wednesday is to provide the opportunity for students to connect with others, whether through group activities, supportive discussions, or acts of kindness. These activities have been organised to enhance the student’s physical wellbeing, improve mental health, reduce stress, and boost creativity.
During Week 3, the first Wellbeing Wednesday activity was ‘Just Dance’. We were blown away with the number of girls who came to participate. The room was filled with laughter and girls of all different year levels.
A thank you to those who came to participate, and for the staff and seniors who contributed their Wednesday lunch break.
We cannot wait for what Wellbeing Wednesday brings to our school!
Kelsie Bennett
Student Wellbeing Prefect