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Exploring Minds, Nurturing Growth: Highlights of Term 1 in Primary

Year 1

This term in Year 1, students have been learning about measurement in Mathematics. They have been comparing the mass of objects using hefting and scales, comparing the sizes of everyday objects, and describing their lengths. Using the balance scales and classroom objects, students predict and measure which is heavier or lighter. arbitrary units such as playdough, pencils, bean bags, string and paddle pop sticks are used to compare lengths. 

Year 3

This term, our Year 3 students have been learning about the intricacies of the brain, learning about the pre-frontal cortex, amygdala, thinking brain, and feeling brain. Through classroom activities, they've grasped how these brain regions shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. During assembly in Week 8, the students showcased their learning during a Brain Science presentation. We are so proud of their growth and look forward to further exploring the brain's wonders together.

Year 5

This past week, the Year 5 students embarked on their NAPLAN journey! As a class, they approached NAPLAN as a fantastic opportunity to showcase their growth, resilience, and the skills students have been honing this term. Throughout the tests, students demonstrated the importance of perseverance and reminding us that it's okay

not to be perfect, as long as we're giving our best effort. They actively participated in reflection discussions, exchanging strategies on time management and offering support to one another along the way. Their remarkable growth mindset and unwavering determination were evident, even in the face of challenges. Additionally, the students were delighted by the post-NAPLAN fruit platters generously provided by Doblo's, along with their morning special treats, complete with motivational messages. It has definitely been a great term in Year 5 for learning and growth!


The Very Hungry Caterpillar was the perfect celebration of learning for our Prep classes, as students have been studying the text in class and learning about caterpillars in the Science unit.  They even have their own chrysalises in each room! Prep W’s butterfly has already emerged and Prep G were patiently waiting to see theirs, which emerged on Wednesday.  There was caterpillar crown making, pasta caterpillar necklaces to construct and playdough to mould into cute caterpillars among many other exciting activities.  Even the brain break was constructed into a curly caterpillar and was quickly devoured by the girls.  It was a wonderful morning full of fun, laughter and learning all at the same time!

We would also like to thank the members of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton for the generous donation of a picture book to our Prep students. This is an initivate run by the club who provide all Prep students across the region with a book to commemorate the start of their school education journey.

Jacqui Goltz

Director of Primary



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