Jemma is one of our Year 10 boarding students who is sharing her boarding experience with her two sisters, Sherri and Ally. Her older sister, Sherri, is one of our current Head Girls. Jemma has been a part of our Girls Grammar family since 2015 and has found comfort knowing that Sherri is here to guide her.
We caught up with Jemma to ask her some questions about her schooling and boarding experiences here at Girls Grammar.
Tell us a little about yourself
"I recently moved from a property located an hour south of Nebo in a small community called Valkyrie to a small acreage in Gargett, 45 minutes west of Mackay. In Valkyrie we ran cattle and grew crops on the property which kept my family very busy.
I love playing and watching sport and I was fortunate enough to be a part of this year's Girls Grammar Oztag representative team where we travelled to the Sunshine Coast to compete in the Queensland All Schools Oztag Carnival. I am also currently preparing to travel away with the Girls Grammar representative touch team to play at the inaugural Queensland All Schools Touch early next term."

What do you like about boarding at Girls Grammar?

"I love boarding at Girls Grammar because you gain independence in having to take on responsibilities and challenges. The boarding staff and girls are always good to talk to when you're missing home or homework is getting overwhelming. I love being close to my friends while having the chance to increase my independence in preparation for my future."
What do you like about going to school at Girls Grammar?
"What I love about Girls Grammar is the fact that you get the chance to participate in many co-curricular activities. It is also great that we get the opportunity to enjoy our learning experiences without the social pressure of boys."
What would you tell other girls thinking about boarding at Girls Grammar?
"I would tell them that it's an amazing boarding family filled with humble and respectful dorm mistresses and other girls who you can relate to. There are lots of other girls living away from home which is usually anywhere from 2-8+ hours away.
Everyone is super welcoming and are always there to help you if you are homesick, confused or overwhelmed. You learn many new things being around girls all the time from life skills to just simple advice. It is definitely a great experience here."
