Our Year 12 boarders are just four weeks away from stepping into the vast world beyond our school gates. While many of them are brimming with excitement as they eagerly anticipate their future endeavours, it's natural that some also harbour a touch of apprehension. They stand on the threshold of a new chapter in their lives, and the looming exams are a testament to their determination and hard work.
In these final moments of their high school journey, our Year 12 girls are coming together to celebrate and cherish those 'last times' that hold special significance. They are embarking on diverse paths, with some venturing into the world of academia with ambitions in business, law, physiotherapy, exercise and sport science, and various other fields. We also have future leaders joining the Defence Force, those returning home to contribute to their communities, and others pursuing careers in marketing, governessing, or setting out on a gap year with an accounting firm. The prospects are as varied as the personalities and aspirations of our graduates, including those pursuing beauty therapy courses and working in recording studios.
As I reflect on the imminent departure of these young ladies, it fills me with immense pride and joy to witness the remarkable individuals that they have become. My staff and I have had the privilege of nurturing and guiding them during these formative years, and we eagerly await the updates they will share in the years to come. Though our time with them may have been brief, we feel privileged to have played a role in their incredible journeys.

Girls Grammar has consistently provided the perfect environment for our students to build confidence, discover their true selves, and make choices aligned with their values and aspirations. The Class of 2023 epitomises the essence of our school's motto: clever, confident, and connected. I wish all of them a fantastic weekend as they embark on this exciting new phase of their lives.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding