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Girls Grammar Boarding Bulletin: National Boarding Week 2023

Next week is National Boarding Week and we are planning on celebrating this in a big way. The theme for 2023 is Patchwork. We can interpret this however we like. We have lots organised for the week. Here is some of what is planned at Girls Grammar:

Sunday 14 May – The Patchwork of Boarding

During the day, boarders whose Boarding Experience Quote has been chosen to go on the quilt, will work on their piece of fabric for the Patchwork Quilt that we are making.

Year 12 boarders will launch National Boarding Week (NBW) with a Maccas run after they have visited Jackson Prep at 7.30pm to excite the Junior girls about the week ahead.

Monday 15 May – All about the Boarders

Girls are to place a house on the map in the dining room of where they live during breakfast. For our international students we will have a flag of PNG and Netherlands for them to add their houses to.

Primary tours of the Boarding house will be led by the Year 12 students.

Tuesday 16 May – Social Justice Tuesday

5.15pm - trust and teamwork activity with Jackson and Kollar. Using the multipurpose Court, or grassed area next to it, several obstacles will be laid on the ground (e.g. cones). Girls will be paired together with one of them wearing a blindfold. The purpose of this activity is to have the girls who can see verbally direct the blindfolded peer across the minefield to the other side without running into anything. The blindfolded person can’t talk, so they must rely on close listening and trust.

Wednesday 17 May – Well Being Wednesday

Assembly - We will show case the clip we made for the ABSA website. Day in the life of a boarder will also be shared.

Afternoon game held in the dining room – lollies involved.

Thursday 18 May – Parents Day

Thank you video - we film girls saying thank you to loved one/s who inspire them to be at Girls Grammar – this will be shared on social media.

Friday 19 May – Staff Day

Staff to track the number of steps during their shift to see who goes the furthest. There will be an envelope wall with staff names where students can leave messages for staff, thanking them, sharing their favourite memory, etc

Saturday 20 May - Principal’s Day

A surprise from the Boarders for Mrs Krehlik.

Stacey McCarthy

Head of Boarding



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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