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Girls Grammar Houses Battle for Interhouse Reading Champion

In honour of book week, Downs, Patterson, Smith, and Williams have been battling it out in the library during lunchtimes this week for the prestigious title of 2023 interhouse reading champion. The annual Interhouse Reading Challenge that takes place has transformed the library into a battleground of books, where students from all houses have participated eagerly, delving into a variety of books and genres. The challenge promotes reading and has become charged with healthy competition and a shared enthusiasm for reading. It has been amazing to see so many girls involved, especially those stepping out of their comfort zones to come and read. Our house prefects have also been working hard to encourage their house members to participate and should be commended on their support. Stay tuned as we await the results of the 2023 Interhouse Reading Challenge.

Bridgette Williams

Academic Prefect


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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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