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Happy Mother's Day - A Word from Girls Grammar Principal, Kara Krehlik

Happy Mother's Day to the Girls Grammar School community! On Sunday, we celebrate the amazing women in our lives who have played the role of mothers, mother figures, and nurturers. Whether it's your biological mother, a stepmother, an aunt, a grandmother, or any other motherly figure, we want to take this opportunity to show them how much we appreciate them.

As we all know, mothers are superheroes. They cheer us on when we succeed and pick us up when we fall. But let's not forget about all the other motherly figures in our lives who have made an impact. These are the women who have stepped in to provide love and support when we needed it most.

Mother's Day is a chance for us to say thank you to these incredible women who have shaped our lives in so many ways. This week we have encouraged our students to take time to reflect on all the ways their motherly figures have helped them grow and learn. Maybe it's a special skill they taught, a fun memory shared together, or the simple comfort of knowing they are always there.

We also want to recognise that not everyone has a traditional mother figure in their lives. We celebrate all those who have stepped up to provide love and support in non-traditional ways, whether it's a father who fills both roles, a grandparent, a family friend, or someone else entirely. Mother's Day is a time to celebrate all the people in our lives who have shown us love and support.

At our school, we recognise that every motherly figure is unique and special. We appreciate the diverse perspectives and experiences that our families bring to our community, and we encourage our students to embrace and celebrate these differences. We are grateful for the motherly figures who have volunteered their time and talents to support our school, and we look forward to welcoming those attending our Girls Grammar Mother’s Day Twilight Soiree on Friday evening. We have a wonderful night planned with food and beverages, live music, art shows and market stalls.

On behalf of our school community, we want to wish all the mothers, motherly figures, and nurturers a happy Mother's Day this Sunday. Thank you for all that you do!

Kara Krehlik



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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