Hi everyone, my name is Jess and I have the privilege of being the 2024 Boarding Prefect at Rockhampton Girls Grammar. I grew up on a family-owned cattle property 40km outside of Calliope, with my younger sister and parents, where I developed a passion for working with cattle and horses. I came to Girls Grammar in 2019, as a Year 7 boarder, and have been involved in cocurricular activities such as netball and Show Team ever since.
I wanted to become a prefect because I wanted the opportunity to be a voice for other girls. I loved the idea of being part of something bigger in the school community and having the opportunity to improve this community was something I really valued. Being the Boarding Prefect has given me the chance to act as a big sister for other boarders, especially the younger girls. I aspire to be a role model for others, and this position has given me a chance to make a positive impact on others.
I really love the connection we have here at Girls Grammar, particularly in our boarding family, and being one of the leaders makes me extremely proud. This year in boarding has already been full on, with many activities both on and off school grounds. Term 1 saw many beach trips and pool parties, but the cooler weather has led us to more movies and karaoke nights. Focusing on making boarding feel like a home away from home encouraged the idea for 'girls’ night in' activities, which really creates the feeling of a fun slumber party. Socials and outings with other schools, including St Brendan's, St Ursula’s and Rockhampton Grammar, have widened our community and allowed for friendships to be formed throughout our CQ boarding community.
I am looking forward to many more exciting activities that this year will bring, and I look forward to implementing some community-based activities, such as baked good drives and donations to hospitals and senior-care homes, which will allow our girls the chance to have a positive impact in the greater community.
Being a Girls Grammar girl makes me incredibly proud, due to the sense of sisterhood that is clearly felt. I also love how our achievements are celebrated, no matter how small they are, and the feeling that you belong to something that you cherish dearly.
Being a student at Girls Grammar as also given me the courage and confidence I will need next year after graduation, which hopefully means further study for me. I would like to pursue my passion for agriculture by studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Science, perhaps down south, which means moving away from home. However, after completing my studies, I want to return home, back to the Central Queensland heat and live at home on the property. However, that is still a while away, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2024 brings for myself and our boarders!
Jessica Chapman
Boarding Prefect