Languages - Spanish
La biblioteca, la oficina, la clase de arte... Have you seen these signs around the school?
Students in Year 3 studied the school unit in Spanish this term. They explored the vocabulary of school supplies and facilities. They applied their newfound knowledge in a practical way by transforming the school into a vibrant playground of language and exploration! Students crafted signs for various facilities, including the Library, Science Lab or Art classroom. Students were immersed in this project for two lessons. They were distributed in groups to write the names appropriately, colour the signs, and add some drawings to support the meaning. When the signs were laminated and ready to be hung, they engaged in a playful game of 'signs around the school'. Following Spanish hints given by her teacher, they navigated through the school facilities and hung the signs at the correct stop for each hint. With this activity, students not only solidified their understanding of Spanish but also added a colourful touch to our school community. Learn some new Spanish words with our Year 3 girls!
Maite Lacoste Sanchez
Digital Technologies

In Digital Technologies this term students in Year 8, 9 and 10 have been looking at video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro. As part of the curriculum, students have immersed themselves in the intricacies of Adobe Premiere Pro, discovering the tools and techniques that professionals use to bring their ideas to life. From basic edits to advanced effects, students have gained hands-on experience in crafting compelling narratives, refining their technical skills, and honing an eye for detail to create a short film or a movie trailer. Students chose a film genre for their trailer and focused on editing to accentuate those features, including changing sound, lighting and transition effects.
The benefits extend beyond the classroom. Learning Adobe Premiere Pro equips students with valuable skills sought after in various industries, including media, marketing, and entertainment. It's not just about mastering a software; it's about cultivating a digital literacy that is increasingly essential in today's world.
Jayden Borg
Physical Education
Prep students enjoyed their first chance to get in the pool, undertaking swimming lessons with Miss Maddi and Mr Fuller. As they made their way up to the pool each week, the squeals of delight could be heard before the girls were seen. They were always so excited to go swimming.
The Year 1 to Year 3 classes also participated in Learn to Swim lessons, while the Year 4 to Year 6 students advanced their stroke development for freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke, with the occasional water game to develop teamwork skills. Unfortunately, the Prep-3 Swimming Carnival had to be postponed until Term 1 due to bad weather. We can’t wait to see all the girls putting their swimming skills on display when we come back in 2024.
Year 7 Physical Education students learnt about the stages of development in the human lifecycle and examined how physical activity changes as we age. In practical lessons they investigated a range of traditional Indigenous games and educated the rest of the class on their games’ background. Each student then delivered their game to the class, where we had a great time learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture.
The Year 8 classes got an introduction into first aid with a focus on the Emergency Action Plan, and assessment and treatment of common sports and soft tissue injuries. In practical lessons we worked in all things batting, running, bowling and teamwork through tee ball and cricket.
Year 9 classes developed their first aid, CPR and lifesaving skills this term. The girls moved onto advanced rescue techniques and coupled these with situational scenarios to choose the best course of action for their casualty. Hopefully we can get a few more girls to sign up for Surf League next year and put these skills to the test.
Year 10 students investigated sport psychology and mental training techniques. Through a detailed investigation of how sport psychology issues affect their performance, they set about gathering data on six mental training practices. They examined the effects of each technique to develop their personal strategy to improve performance across a range of sports, including netball, AFL and golf.
With final farewells to the Year 12 Physical Education students as they headed into External Exams, the Year 11 students undertook their first Year 12 task. The students investigated ethical dilemmas that exist in sport and chose a sport that exists in the Girls Grammar program to investigate. They gathered data and examined policies to provide a course of action to overcome issues within school, interschool or representative processes. The girls did a great job at analysing the issues and came up with some amazing strategies.
Greta Doherty
Director of Sport