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Reflecting on Recent Girls Grammar Events and Unveiling the Future

Words simply don’t capture the energy and emotion of an end of year Girls Rock extravaganza! All the ‘feels’ were felt as an audience, with an overwhelming sense of pride in having the privilege of marvelling at the range of artistic flair from our talented young ladies.

Girls Rock highlights just how strong and unique our school culture and sense of community is. Our School’s camaraderie and spirit was well and truly alive and one of my favourite aspects of the evening was clearly audible in the support and encouragement by the audience. A sincere thank you to Miss Emma Girle and Miss Sophie Harwood for the energy, enthusiasm and time they devoted to the planning and preparation of performances, as well as their patience and skills with the inclusion of Mrs Nadene Housman in choreographing a group of challenging and uncoordinated staff.

Last Wednesday’s prestigious Speech Night was yet another showcase of student talent and achievement. Special mention must go to Dr John Fry and Ms Jen Hooper for the time they dedicated to organising such a wonderful whole school event. Congratulations to Bridgette Williams who was announced Dux of the school for 2023. We wish her and her Year 12 peers all the very best in their future endeavours as they commence their post-schooling chapter as official Old Girls.

Congratulations to our incoming Prefects for 2024 who were awarded the following portfolios with Kara-Lee Buckton and Georgia Priddle announced as Head Girls:

Tylah Mitchell Academic Prefect

Jessica Chapman Boarding Prefect

Dale Lewis Cocurricular Prefect

Kara-Lee Buckton Community and Culture Prefect

Charlotte Carroll Downs House Prefect

Georgia Priddle Paterson House Prefect

Bethany Dey Primary Prefect

Harriett Farrell Smith House Prefect

Kelsie Bennett Student Wellbeing Prefect

Ella Fort Williams House Prefect

In 2024 we will be continuing with Subject Area Coordinators, a role that was brought in this year as middle leadership to support our Director of Primary, Mrs Jacqui Goltz and Director of Secondary, Mrs Christie Dey. Miss Jessica Dawes will continue as Subject Coordinator for the Arts and Mrs Nadene Housman for Science and Mathematics. Next year we welcome Dr Nikki Kelly back to Girls Grammar as teacher and Subject Coordinator for Languages, Technologies and Physical Education, and congratulate Year 2 teacher, Ms Donna Bennett as incoming Subject Coordinator for English and HASS.

This week we welcomed Miss Kaitlyn Graham to the role of Communications, Marketing and Events Coordinator. Kaitlyn joins Girls Grammar with 15 years experience in functions, events, marketing and promotions at Frenchville Sports Club. She is already well versed in the culture of our School, having a role in our cocurricular offerings as the Girls Grammar Oz-Tag coach. She has also spent time with our boarders and staff accompanying them on the Great Keppel Island excursion a couple of weeks ago.

Wednesday’s Transition Day was a huge success with all incoming students from Prep through to Year 12 joining us for the morning in Primary and a full day in the Secondary School. McKeague Deck was a buzz with nerves, excitement and anticipation as our new students and their parent/s arrived to be greeted by our Girls Grammar buddies. There were many warm welcomes as the girls met one another and left for Sisters meetings - an iconic and unique part of our School where our Year 1 to Year 11 students gathered in their Sisters groups to engage in getting to know you activities, Girls Grammar Trivia, GG Bear and school party themed heroes vs villains decorating. Transition Day was another great example of the caring, inclusive school culture we pride ourselves on and to quote that famous line from the Castle, "it’s the vibe of the thing” that represents whilst we can’t always put a numerical measure on success we can definitely ‘feel’ it.

I look forward to re-connecting with all our new students and families and seeing new connections form amongst our community at our Welcome BBQ on Monday 22 January. Until then, I would like to wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Christmas- New Year break and I look forward to another wonderful year in 2024.

Kara Krehlik




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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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