It is with a heavy heart that we welcome one another back for Term 4 without our much loved Mrs Bartlem. Her sudden and unexpected passing in the early hours of Thursday 21 September has come as a shock to us all.

Mrs Bartlem has been a cherished member of the Girls Grammar teaching staff for 23 years and brought so much love and enthusiasm to the secondary English curriculum, in particular the establishment of senior English Extension in which she played a vital part. Mrs Bartlem loved teaching, our school, her colleagues and the students she imparted her passion for English and literature onto.
Across our student body there will be a range of relationships, experiences and memories each student will have had with Mrs Bartlem, regardless of whether they are in Year 7 or one of our soon to be graduating seniors. Whether this was Mrs Bartlem as English teacher or care mentor over the years, a staff member they connected with during a study lesson or at lunch time, through mentorship in public speaking and her love of Rotary Youth of the Year competition, annual oratory competition or valedictory speeches, through her friendly banter, dark sense of humour or a shared love of doc martins, Mrs Bartlem has impacted each of us in one way or another.
It’s been an extremely difficult week for students, in particular our seniors, as well as staff who have worked alongside Lee and been blessed to know her character and spirit. In times of grief however, we often see so much strength, compassion and comfort in people’s character and I am proud to say that this is exactly what I have witnessed in our community.
The ability to band together and respond in a crisis such as this is highlighted and clearly represents a school’s culture, and my learning moment from this is just how special and unique Girls Grammar truly is. A sincere thank you must go to Catholic Care CQ’s Working Well team who we engaged two years ago as our Employee Assistance Program, for the support they have provided to students and staff this week. Program Coordinator Kylie Walker and counsellors Keanu Jones and Alan West have provided significant strength and support for our community. Rockhampton Grammar School’s generosity is greatly appreciated in the support provided by Chaplain, Jennifer Hercott and Psychologist Rosie Akers also.
I would like to thank staff and students for the strength they have shown, the comfort and kindness they have provided one another and to the Year 12 cohort for their engagement and maturity in what was a tough group session held today with counsellor Alan West.
Thank you to the many parents who have reached out with thoughts and condolences. This has been greatly appreciated and demonstrates the impact Lee has had on so many students and Old Girls.
As our Year 12 students head into their final week of classes before external exam preparation it is important that we continue to support one another, understand the different reactions students may display throughout the grief cycle and approach our interactions and communication with kindness and consideration.
Should your daughter require further support our School’s Working Well Employee Assistance Program is available to all students and can be accessed by calling 1800 142 422 or via the following link:
Kara Krehlik