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Rockhampton Girls Grammar Primary Report: Interschool Sport & Term 3 Events

Primary Interschool Sport – Netball Competition

The Junior D girls, consisting of Year 5 players, have surprised me again this week with their great win over St Joseph’s, Wandal. It is remarkable to see the improvements from all students in attacking and defensive play. What is even better to witness is the sportsmanship and honesty the girls show with other players and rules of the game. Each half, the girls swap positions which saw all four shooters able to score this week. With only two weeks left of fixtures before finals begin, I can’t wait to see how the girls will place in their division.

Our Senior C netball team had a fantastic season, winning most of their games. Despite a 6-4 loss to St. Mary's last Friday, their remarkable teamwork, leadership, and netball skills were evident. Their dedication and abilities, including agility, precision passes, and defensive efforts, have been praised.

Junior E has shown remarkable growth in confidence throughout the season, giving their all with 100% energy in every game and offering unwavering support to each other. They are still in the process of learning the game of netball and understanding different positions, but their enthusiasm for improvement is evident. With each match, they continue to develop their skills and knowledge, demonstrating great potential to become a formidable team in the future.

Our Senior E netball team has enjoyed their time playing as a team and learning about the game. They have worked as a team to pass the ball up the court and have been practicing their defensive skills. The sportsmanship constantly shown by this team is fantastic, always willing to help each other and their opposition. They are willing to jump into any position every game and enjoy learning about new positions. I hope they have had a fun time playing netball!

Primary Events for Term 3

What a busy start to the Term. It was great last week to see the Prep and Year 1 students acknowledge and celebrate 100 days of learning for 2023. With activities and special games, students enjoyed the afternoon of fun to highlight this milestone.

We also saw Academic Awards of Excellence, Merit and Improvement for students in Year 4 to 6 presented at the Primary Assembly. The effort, courage and persistence students display towards their learning is a wonderful achievement and highlights how our students become ‘Clever, Confident and Connected’ with the support of our teachers.

These great events which showcase our school continue on throughout the term. 18 August is calendared for the Primary Movie Night. This year the Primary Council will be supporting the Pyjama Foundation. National Pyjama day events are held July to September and for us, this means wear your favourite pair of PJ's and help raise vital funds to support children living in foster care while enjoying ‘The Lion King.’ Donations are part of the entry fee but if you wish to donate more than a dollar or two please head to:

Our Early Learning Centre will be the focus on 25 August as we invite current and prospective Prep and Year 1 students to an enjoyable afternoon tea filled with great food and activities. Please ensure you RSVP to this event if you wish to join us once the invitation is released. Parental supervision is required.

The Tea Party coincides with the annual Book Week Parade. All students are encouraged to come dressed as a favourite character or aspect from a book. Over the years, there have been many inspiring costumes and we are looking forward to seeing what creations are around for 2023. Parents are welcome to attend the Primary Parade at 11.00am in the CAB. Classes will then join together for a small activity which will include planting a plant to keep in with this year’s theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’ and Planet Ark’s National Tree Day.

Jacqui Goltz

Head of Primary



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