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Rockhampton Girls Grammar Welcomes School Counsellor - Tamara Wickham

Last term, Rockhampton Girls Grammar welcomed Tamara Wickham to the role of School Counsellor. This week, she pens a letter to the School community.

Hello Rockhampton Girls Grammar School community,

Your daughter may have already talked to you about a new face at the school who ‘they talk to’. My name is Tamara Wickham, and I have been employed as Girls Grammar's counsellor.

To enhance the School's culture of mental and physical wellbeing, Rockhampton Girls Grammar thought it beneficial to have someone at the school with professional expertise to help the students achieve positive personal, social-emotional, and educational development. Last term I introduced myself to the student body at assembly and since then the students have expressed how much they have enjoyed having a counsellor at the school to talk to about what has happened in their day, stress of assignments or schoolwork, or relationships.

Although I am employed at the school as a counsellor my qualifications are in psychology and am a registered provisional psychologist. I have worked previously with parents and children who have experienced trauma, domestic and family violence, sexual abuse, and mental disorders. I work predominately in expressive therapies and modify my approach to the individual’s interest and their circumstances. I believe my experiences as a provisional psychologist will bring many benefits to the Girls Grammar community, and I look forward to developing many relationships with the students, staff and parents of the school.

I will be attending the next P&F meeting scheduled for Thursday 2 June to introduce myself further and talk to the Parents and Friends Association about supportive strategies I am using with the girls.

If you would like to know more about the counselling offered at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School, or would like to speak to me about referring your daughter, you can email me at

I will keep you updated through the newsletter on any upcoming programs or activities that I think you and/or your daughter may benefit from, and some helpful hints on how to work with your child on their education and wellbeing.

Tamara Wickham

School Counsellor


Enrolling your daughter at Girls Grammar has never been easier. Contact us today to find out how. 

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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
CRICOS Provider Code: 00508E | ABN: 59 896 511 098
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