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SHEP and Shrek - An Update from the Arts Department

SHEP 2022

SHEP (State Honours Ensemble Program) is a unique and invaluable opportunity for students to join a musical ensemble and receive tuition from pre-eminent musical professors.

It is an intensive program which sees the students learning and performing a piece of ensemble music over the course of only three days – an amazing feat! The program culminates in a concert where the students showcase their work.

The Capricornia regional program was held over the weekend of 11 - 13 March at North Rockhampton State High School.

A delegation of our own students attended and performed admirably.

The RGGS vocal group, consisting of Cadence, Claudia, Bethany, Alexandra, Kaysha and Kara-Lee, are pictured here with their vocal group conductor.

Maddison participated as an individual, and was the sole wind instrumentalist attending from RGGS. Despite the daunting prospect, she rose to the occasion splendidly and had a wonderful time.

SHEP Rockhampton was held from Friday 25– Sunday 27 March, again hosted by North Rockhampton High School. Representing RGGS were Sonny, Catherine, Paige, Millie and Lilian.

There were two sessions performed on Sunday, with a morning concert performed by the Wind Ensemble and an afternoon concert performed by the String and Vocal Ensembles.

The performances were excellent and very well received by the audience. The students successfully performed a diverse programme with many evocative works ranging from heartfelt, to upbeat, to spooky and sinister. There were masterful renditions of folk, pop and classical pieces.

The afternoon programme finished with the vocal ensemble performing Mozart’s “Peace I Leave With You”.

Congratulations girls on your fine work representing RGGS and developing your musical skills. We’re so glad it was such a valuable experience.

Shrek Musical Rehearsals

Did someone say Shrek costume sneak peek?

Our musical cast had their first opportunity to try on their costumes and the atmosphere was buzzing! Thank you to Helen James for providing the fantastic costumes. We also appreciate all the help from the parents, staff and students who helped make the process run smoothly!

Rhiannon Swift

The Arts Administration Coordinator and Academic Tutor


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