Last weekend, the boarders participated in a new activity (hopefully an annual one) - a Christmas Cookie Drive. The purpose of this activity was to create a better connection, not only between the boarding students, but also between Girls Grammar and the wider community.
With Christmas time rapidly approaching, there was no better time to get into the spirit of giving and kindness, as well as charitable actions and selflessness. On Saturday afternoon, the senior students hit the kitchen, under the guidance of Kent, and set to work rolling, cutting and baking over 100 cookies. These were then decorated the following morning by all the girls. Music was pumping and laughter was echoing around the dining hall, so it was safe to say that this activity certainly was a hit. It was really great to see different grades interacting with each other, as well as our upcoming seniors stepping up to help. With many hands, the numerous cookies were decorated in no time, and they were then packaged later that afternoon. There is certainly no shortage of creativity and artistic ability at Girls Grammar, because some of the designs were absolutely amazing. The delivery crew set off around Rockhampton in the late afternoon, handing out the cookies to numerous services and organisations, including emergency services, hospitals and retirement villages. I believe that this activity was a massive success, and it wouldn’t have been possible without Kent and his team, or any others who helped before, during and after the event.
I hope that this drive becomes an annual activity for our boarding community, as the positive outcomes spoke in volumes, and it was so beautiful to see the reactions of the recipients of the girls’ hard work.
Jessica Chapman
Boarding Prefect