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ALL GIRLS ACHIEVINGAt Girls Grammar, girls have pride of place in the classroom, working with technology, on the sports field and on the stage. In an all-girls environment, equal opportunity is not an issue because girls get every opportunity. Outstanding academic achievements across a multitude of NAPLAN Categries. Top 10 OP School in Queensland. *Parlimentary Standing Committe on Employment, Education and Training 2017 comparison.
PERSONALISED LEARNINGAchieved through: small class sizes, specialist teachers, systematic tracking and intervention P-12, effective transition programs, extensive choices of subjects and multiple senior pathways. Our students continue to achieve outstanding results in national and international testing. For over 125 years, Girls Grammar has produced remarkable young women who are highly valued by the community and employers.
STUDENT VOICEGirls Grammar encourages your daughter to reflect thoughtfully, express her opinions and value the contribution of others. Every student in Years 4 to 12 is a member of a Student Committee or Council, which run events and raise important issues. Year 12 Prefects, elected by students, lead these committees and ensure that all students have opportunities to make a difference.
EXTENDING NUMERACYNumeracy programs from Prep are engaging and reinforcing. Skilled mathematical presenters and educators visit our school to enrich learning through real-world applications. Each student’s progress in P-12 is monitored and teachers apply strategies, which cater for the learning needs of every student.
ENRICHING LITERACYLiteracy is a cornerstone of Girls Grammar. Each primary school day encompasses one and half hours of focused literacy development aligned with the Australian National Curriculum embedded in Internationally Acclaimed Literacy Programs. Students are regularly engaged with imaginative, informative and persuasive texts in the areas of reading, structural writing and persuasive processes. Literacy skills in P-10 are mapped and tracked using a Diagnostic Reading Assessment.
STUDENT TECHNOLOGIESGirls Grammar has seamless wireless infrastructure and Information Technology is integrated into all aspects of curriculum. Every student in Years 4 to 12 receives a fully equipped personal computer to support her learning. Cyber safety is a priority with 24 hour filtering and network monitoring.
OUTSTANDING EDUCATORSGirls Grammar staff are highly motivated with a passion for teaching, high expectations of learners and a deep commitment to student wellbeing. Girls Grammar staff embrace a professional learning program that enables peer sharing; ensures student feedback, facilitates lesson observations and promotes reflective practice.
EXTENSIVE OPPORTUNITIESGirls Grammar girls push the boundaries and discover talents through our Cocurricular Program. There are many activities available, including: Cattle Club, Dance Company, Sports Aerobics, Gym Club, Public Speaking, Science and Maths Club, Community Service, Equestrian, Arts Club, Young Playwrights Club, Rowing and a huge range of sports and musical ensembles.
STUDENT EMPOWERMENTGirls need to feel safe, respected and valued. They need to feel comfortable to take risks in their learning, to explore new concepts and to think independently. Our Care Program provides learning experiences that facilitate social, emotional and psychological development. Our graduates are confident, resilient women who are ready to take on the world.
AMAZING FACILITIESWe are a small school with surprisingly extensive grounds and facilities. Over our 127 year history the hallmark of Girls Grammar has been the blend of rich traditions and contemporary thinking. Facilities include: pool, oval and undercover soft fall area, music centre with instrumental tutorial rooms, state-of-the-art science laboratories, contemporary Learning Resources Centre, domestic and hospitality kitchens, art room, gym and dance studio all nestled within tropical gardens and outdoor plazas.
At Girls Grammar our girls attend school camp each year from Year 4 through to Year 11.
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